Sep 20Liked by Audrey Knox

Hi Audrey! Danny Range here from Mike Smith Productions, LLC. Thanks for this. Hope you'll answer a question or two if you find the time:

Any advice on finding OWAs? ISA, Coverfly have been good ones I've found for starting out, wondering if there's websites somebody could have access to if they are NOT working with an agent/manager.

Are there any legitimate websites that will provide to me an example of a legitimate contract between a spec writer/manager and the party they're agreeing to make the film with? I'd really like to see how they break down their payments, agreements, etc and review one before I sign a real one.

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Hi Danny! Please give Mike my warm regards and tell him that this was in no way personal.

The best way to find real OWA's that you actually have a chance at getting is to go through an agent or manager. The second best way is to use personal connections in your industry network. I would be wary of websites that claim to publicly list "OWA's." They often market to me as a manager, asking "What types of scripts are you looking for?" I never respond, but then I see those marketing emails go out, and they're calling mandates "OWA's." A real OWA is a piece of IP or an idea that a producer has that they'd like to hire a writer to write. Or they want to work with a writer to sell it together. No producer is going to post this publicly because they don't want to be inundated by unrepped writers they don't know.

As for contracts, the WGA website is a great resource for this: https://www.wga.org/contracts/contracts/other-contracts

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Sep 20Liked by Audrey Knox

lol and thank you for taking the time to say all that! Will definitely check the site and noted.

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Awesome! Hope you find it helpful.

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Thank you for this advice.

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Of course! Hope it's helpful

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